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De la Finca a tu Hogar










Course: GiANT

Location: Bogotá, Colombia

2 weeks, 4 team members

August 2014


In this project we were asked to enhance the buying experience in high frequency stores between the store owner, the customer and the distributor, aiming a sustainability boost for the high frequency stores. The high frequency stores play an important role in Colombia, mostly for the lower sectors. But the last couple of year the high frequency stores are threatened by the large supermarkets.



The first week of the project we spent doing research, we have visited a lot of high frequency stored and explored the distribution channel. Convey the message of freshness and better quality in high frequency stores. 



Our idea was to make the fresh and good food available to the largest group of people in Colombia; the Bottom of the Pyramid. We wanted simple to connect the supply and demand. The food is sold with less profit per customer but to a large group. We designed a platform that connects the farmers with the vendors and which forms a new community. Physically, this is recognizable for the buyers of the products, mainly by stickers and posters. Customers can see if a high frequency store is connected with the platform and will trust the freshness of the products. 


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